Thursday, October 11, 2012


I've been reading through Frank Peretti's novel This Present Darkness for a couple weeks now, often late into the night -- which really isn't smart because that book is not conducive to sleep!  It's been opening my eyes to what could very well be going on in the spirit realm, and it's both exciting and mind blowing.  I hadn't realized before how powerful the prayers of the Remnant (i.e., true followers of Jesus Christ) could potentially be in influencing what goes on in the spiritual realm!   

Peretti published this book back in 1986, but his depiction of the fictional town of Ashton eerily resembles . . . the current state of this entire country.  Wouldn't you agree?  Just look around.  Look at your generation.  Look at my generation!  Look at families, look at society -- abominations occur every single day because people choose to avert their eyes and let it slide.  Evil has infiltrated and been absorbed by our country, playing out devastating effects on people from pre-birth to 100 years old.  It doesn't take a lot of imagination to recognize that Satan is having a heyday with the United States of America.  

I've felt helpless against this for so long.  But a few days ago, I read something that shifted my perspective and showed me that I can change this.  We can change this.

2 Chronicles 7:14, "If My people, who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 

Let me dissect this verse to show you what I'm seeing.  
"My people, who are called by My name" clearly refers to us (the Remnant), if not only to the original context (the nation of Israel).
Apparently, we as God's people have the opportunity and the responsibility to petition God for the healing of our country, something He promises to actually do!  But there's a catch!  According to the rest of this verse, four things have to happen inside us first: 
  1. We must humble ourselves
  2. We must pray
  3. We must seek His face
  4. We must turn from our wicked ways
If you're skeptical at this point, don't worry; I was too.  Does God really heal a wicked land when the Church (I'm referring to the Remnant, not a denomination or a building) prays for its healing?  
"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." -Jeremiah 29:7

This seems to indicate that we should pray on behalf of a wicked nation because there will be direct results from those prayers!  The exciting thing is that God is stirring up the Remnant to pray for this country -- just like in This Present Darkness -- and that just tells me that something big IS going on here, and we can't ignore those urges to pray and cry out to God for healing and repentance.

Okay . . . but what if I were the only one in the world praying?  Would my prayers really be heard and answered?  The prayers of one person can seem so insignificant . . . . 

Let me show you something that's just so precious to me.  As I was struggling with feelings of "prayer inadequacy syndrome," God led me to Daniel chapters 9-10.  Daniel, who was a captive in Babylon during this time, was burdened for his native land, since Jerusalem has long been seized by the Chaldeans.  He saw all the wickedness going on and pleaded with God, all by himself, for the redemption of his people (Daniel 9:4-19).  Daniel hadn't even finished his prayer before God sent Gabriel to give Daniel understanding (v. 20-27)!  Two years later, Daniel was given a prophetic word, and it troubled him so much that he mourned for three weeks.  During that mourning time, Daniel saw a vision of a "terrifying man" who came to explain what was yet to happen to the people.  

Here's what I saw in these two chapters.  Both Gabriel (in Dan. 9:22) and the "terrifying man" (in Dan. 10:11, 19) made a point to tell Daniel that he was greatly loved.  How precious is that?  Daniel was just praying all by himself, and God took such pleasure in his sincere (but solitary) prayers that He sent two messengers not only to answer Daniel, but also to tell him how greatly he was loved.  

My point is, even if you were the only one on Earth praying for your nation, God wouldn't see that as insignificant.      

So, think about it.  In Matthew 18:19-20, Jesus says, " 'Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.  for where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.' "  

Reading This Present Darkness has shown me that we do actually have the authority to fight Satan -- and win -- in Jesus' name!  Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world!  This country was dedicated to God at its birth!

As a young Christ-follower, I'm deciding to take a stand and tell Satan NO!  He cannot have my country!  If necessary I will stand alone, unafraid.  I'm not afraid of Satan!  I'm now calling to you.  Will you stand with me against Satan and his demons, and pray for God to send down warrior angels to fight for this country?  Will you beg God to stir up the Remnant to pray, to stand up, to lead, to speak?  Will you beg God to bring this nation to its knees in repentance?  To bring revival?  To bring healing? 

Do you believe that we can change America -- our very own Ashton?

I do.